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Introduction to Playwriting

Suitable for new and early-career playwrights

Delivered as a ten-week evening class, my Introduction to Playwriting course is designed to be a stimulating and inspiring introduction to the craft of playwriting. Between practical group sessions and one-to-one tutorials, writers will complete a ten-minute play to be shared in a public reading at the end of the course.

Course Overview

The script is the backbone of any theatre production - from the point of conception through to the realisation of the final work on stage. In this practical course, I offer an introduction to the writer's craft and practice. Participants will develop essential skills for writing for theatre, while also exploring tips and techniques for navigating the journey of a working writer and maintaining a healthy writing practice.

Through weekly workshops, based on my book, The Writer's Toolkit, sessions cover the fundamental elements of playwriting; including dramatic structure, the creation and function of character, how to write dynamic dialogue, crafting a compelling plot, and much more. Outside of the group sessions, participants will apply the skills learned to write a ten-minute play. Each writer will benefit from two one-to-one online tutoring sessions to advance their script ahead of a public reading.

2024 Course...

Starts Tuesday 6th August, Auckland, NZ

Weekly classes at The DOJO (Basement Theatre, CBD). Culminates with a public play reading at Pitt St. Theatre in October.


Participant Feedback

A great course, with a skilled and knowledgeable instructor.
This will drive you to create plays, and better them!

Getting Started / Dramatic Action

The first session explores some of the preparatory work that needs to be done before writing a play and asks fundamental questions of the writers... What is drama? What kind of writer are you? What makes your perspective unique and how is your voice original? Ahead of the next session, writers will begin to generate ideas for their ten-minute plays, considering thematic subtext or a central dramatic question.

Class Schedule

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